Building My Relationships

This lesson was funded though The Arc’s HealthMeet project.

Friends and family

Relationships are good for our health!

Relationships take work

Make time

Reach out

Be a good friend

What is a good friend?

Be Kind



What good qualities do you have?

Each of us brings something special to our relationships.

Meet new friends

Where can you meet new friends?

  • Faith community
  • Sports club
  • Community center

Where can you meet new friends?

  • Take a class
  • Join a club
  • Join a local self-advocacy group

Introduce yourself!

Be safe!

Friendships take time to grow.

Friendships take time to grow.

Friendships grow when we are a good friend.

Good friendships can last a lifetime!

Congratulations! You’ve completed this lesson about building relationships.

Tell us what you think ( ).

This lesson was funded though The Arc’s HealthMeet project.