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Speaking For Ourselves - Colorado

c/o The Arc - Jefferson, Clear Creek & Gilpin Counties

13949 W Colfax Ave, Bldg 1, Suite 150

Lakewood, CO 80401

Contact(s): Valerie Smith

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:
9 local groups are a part of this statewide coalition

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Social, Personal Skills

Board of Directors:

Typical Activities:
Speaking For Ourselves is a state-wide self advocacy group in the state of Colorado. It is made up of several local self-advocacy groups for each region of the state. Each chapter is run a little differently based on the wants and needs of the group.
Four times a year the local groups get together to catch up on what each group has been working on and to establish state-wide goals in which each chapter then decides which of the state-wide goals they would like to work on. So, in a nut shell that’s who we are.

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