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People First of Toledo
since 1999

3450 W. Central Ave.

Suite 354

Toledo, OH 43606

Phone: 419-882-0941



Contact(s): Tonya Scherf

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Social, Personal Skills

Products or Services Offered:
Advocacy training and opportunities to attend conferences.

Board of Directors:

Receives Support From:
Camp Courageous & The Arc of Northwest Ohio, Inc.

Mission/Vision Statement:
To learn to advocate for ourselves and to learn to let people know what we need in order to do the things we want to do. We need to let them know how they can help us. Also, to realize we have responsibilities to give back to society and contribute all we can to it.

Typical Activities:
Monthly meetings include speakers on a variety of topics, annual summer picnic and holiday party.

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