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People Power of Sumter

P.O. Box 2847

Sumter, SC 29151

Phone: 803-778-1669 Extension 110


Contact(s): Pat Lordy, Advisor

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Social, Personal Skills

Products or Services Offered:
Guidance in self-advocacy, self-improvement; community support; safety training, etc.

Board of Directors:

Mission/Vision Statement:
People Power is a self-advocacy group that is made up of people with disabilities and others dedicated to helping us achieve our goals. Our mission is to help people with disabilities know they are valuable, through community education and inclusion. We work together, as a team, to be heard as a strong voice for self-advocacy and rights, to obtain meaningful jobs and access to the community and to be treated with dignity and respect.

Typical Activities:
Monthly meetings, 2 annual food drives, annual school supply drive for local schools, annual angel tree support, annual support to an international charity, representation at Disability Advocacy Day at state house, annual trip.

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